Eviewbox DICOM java homepage

Java medical imaging software.

EViewBox , an open source portable digital lightbox.
  Eviewbox , is an open source project, this application allows to view many kind of images , including DICOM . When images are all the same size it allows for multiplanar reconstruction.

The corresponding EViewBox applet allows for a multiplatform distribution of medical images. The application footprint is under 120 K and can be sent with the images. Be aware that there are some limitations inherent to applet security policy. But give a look at it, it is the lightbox of the future ! Be shure to have a Java 1.1 enabled browser.
Or take a look at this screen capture.

Help needed ! If you are a programmer and you like the idea of an open source programmation, we need your help in programming eviewbox and making it a great software, please contact me at serge arobase derhy.com

Parlez vous Dicom ?

  • "Parlez vous DICOM" Dicom tutorial.
    Intended to teach the basics of the DICOM standard, it was originally written in french for radiologists and programmers that are new to this standard. (There are a lot of english mistakes ... correctors welcome !).

  • [In french :]
    Parlez vous DICOM est un document d'apprentissage du standard DICOM, norme de communication d'images médicales.
    Ecrit à l'origine pour les Journées Francaises de Radiologie de 1998, il s'agit d'un document d'introduction aux bases elementaires. Destiné à des radiologues et aux programmeurs.
    Have you notice the knot in the femoral vein ? It happened while retrieving a losten chemotherapy catheter and was unknotted thanks to a hydrophilic guidewire.
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You can send me a message at serge arobase derhy.com