Eviewbox DICOM java homepageJava medical imaging software. |
EViewBox , an open source portable digital lightbox.
Eviewbox , is an open source project,
this application allows to view many kind of images , including DICOM .
When images are all the same size it allows for multiplanar reconstruction. The corresponding EViewBox applet allows for a multiplatform distribution of medical images. The application footprint is under 120 K and can be sent with the images. Be aware that there are some limitations inherent to applet security policy. But give a look at it, it is the lightbox of the future ! Be shure to have a Java 1.1 enabled browser. Or take a look at this screen capture. |
Help needed ! If you are a programmer and you like the idea of an open source programmation, we need your help in programming eviewbox and making it a great software, please contact me at serge arobase derhy.com
Blackscreen : a small utility for the MacIntosh , if you
want your screen to get black , this utility leaves as soon as you click on your mouse or tap on your keyboard. JavaBrick a very simple brick program to play with your Browser , I don't recommend this link ! Metronome a Java metronome , it is paced by your computer thread : don't expect it to be regular unless you have a very fast computer. RollDice a Java " 4 2 1 " game with sound ... Le " Petit Monde" un journal en français . My daughter has grown up and does not take care any longer of this page , but I don't want to erase this page... |
Just an update in 2009, my new job: "Mode femme Derhy Robe Derhy" yes! I am selling dresses, and tee-shirt and garments... but don't worry, I am still responding and doing interventional medicine. |
You can send me a message at serge arobase derhy.com |