[ intro | Concepts of Bases | Layout of information | Applet Dicom | EViewBox! | Conclusions | Summarized | References | Glossary | Generally accepted ideas ]
Idéés received and truths in connection with DICOM:
DICOM guarantees the connection between the equipment.
Forgery, DICOM does not guarantee the connection of the equipment, it is the confrontation of the Documents of Conformity or " Conformance Statements " of each machine to be connected which will make it possible to predict the connectivity of the equipment.
DICOM intervenes at the highest level of the communication between the machines (applicatif level), it supposes the presence of systems of physical connection and a protocol of network, in general TCP/IP.
DICOM is a business corporation:
Forgery, Dicom is an independent standard.
There is a Catch DICOM
Truth!! The standard in its version 1 and 2 defined a catch containing 50 pins, which allowed the connection of a point another. Only two companies marketed this catch (GE and Vortech now integrated by Kodak).
This catch is not updated currently any more in the current version (version 3), the equipment currently communicates is in the form of a network TCP/IP (Internet protocol), or OSI (Open System Interconnect) or by media (CD rom, diskettes, tapes etc.), the Dicom catch is now abandoned.
DICOM is a format of image:
Truth, but DICOM does not define that a format of images, it defines methods of connection, transfer and identification of the medical data.
A imagor DICOM is in conformity with the standard if it makes it possible to see images DICOM:
Forgery! to visualize images with format DICOM is not enough to be in conformity, it is necessary
Dicom does not allow the imagery color:
Forgery: Dicom makes it possible to visualize the color and the black and white. The color can be transmitted in the form of a pallet of color (Look up table) or of a direct coding. The black and white can be coded on a depth from 8 to 32 bytes (256 to 64 million levels).
Dicom does not allow compression:
Faux Dicom allows all the known types of compression.
[ intro | Concepts of Bases | Layout of information | Applet Dicom | EViewBox! | Conclusions | Summarized | References | Glossary | Generally accepted ideas ]